A teenage hustler and a young man obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth
Six queer teenagers struggle to get along with each other and with life in the face of varying obstacles
Luke is a gay hustler Jon is a movie critic Both are HIV positive They go on a hedonistic, dangerous journey, their motto Fuck the world
A sexually undeclared college freshmans clairvoyantprophetic dreams are the first sign that something very strange is going on involving his class mates with him at the center
While on quests to pursue love, sex, and fame with his friends in Los Angeles, Ulysses premonitory dreams make him question the possible presence of a dark and monstrous conspiracy
Follows a day in the lives of a group of Los Angeles high school students and the strange lives they lead
Veronica, 22, meets a writer and a drummer hunk at a club on Halloween Why choose when she can have both 3some But then a third man comes along
Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red Together, the threesome embark on a sex and violence filled journey through an America of psychos and quickie marts
After a young actress unknowingly eats her roommates marijuana cupcakes, her day becomes a series of misadventures
In 1988, a teenage girls life is thrown into chaos when her mother disappears
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