It is a gripping horror film set in the small town of Willsboro Point, haunted by the terrifying urban legend known as the Graveyard Shark This humanoid creature stalks its prey in the town graveyard, striking unexpectedly and le
A young American soldier witnesses the horrors of the Great War
A bitter clown endeavors to rescue the young woman he loves from the lecherous count who once betrayed him
Cheri Bibi is an escape artist wrongly imprisoned for murdering the wealthy father of his admirer Cecile The real murderer is Ceciles fiance, so how will Bibi escape his death sentence and win back Cecile
Childhood friends are torn apart when one of them marries the woman the other fiercely loves
Queen Christina of Sweden is a popular monarch who is loyal to her country However, when she falls in love with a Spanish envoy, she must choose between the throne and the man she loves
A cruise ship heads south from L A with a variety of passengers a reporter, a P I , crooks, a general etc
An amoral chauffeur seeks to seduce a young bride
During a storm, a group of travelers become stranded in an abandoned cabin where a mysterious creature lures them into the woods
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