The story takes place in two parallel time planes The first plot follows the events of one autumn night in 1978 Edward Srodon, a zootechnician, makes an accidental stopover in a farmhouse of Dziabas family in the remote area of
Ola, a seventeen year old, sets off to a foreign country on her own It turns out to be the trip of her lifetime, where she tries to reconnect with her estranged father, comes to know a different world and changes her approach to
Marta is a romantic and a school victim of fate He shares a room with his sister Kasia and grandmother, who tells her granddaughters insurgent stories instead of fairy tales In the room behind the wall, my parents Tadek and Elzbi
In Warsaw, a pair of mermaid sisters are adopted into a cabaret While one seeks love with humans the other hungers to dine on the human population of the city
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